Spectre Trailer Review

The first full length trailer for 007’s next outing is finally here!

The trailer opens up with what looks like will be the traditional action packed opening, that we are used to getting with James Bond films. We see that it takes place during a festival in Mexico City. This is followed with Ralph Fiennes asking why Bond was there and the new ‘M’ does not sound happy about it. We then get a new look at the gorgeous Aston Martin DB10, which looks like will be given to Bond by Q (played again by Ben Whishaw), and then get a shot of the car in action, followed by Bond asking Q if he can make him disappear. Mr Hinx (played by Dave Bautista) gets alot of action shots and looks like he will a good match for 007. We get a couple of looks at Madeleine Swann (played by Lea Seydoux) and what looks like a good action scene featuring a car and a plane with half of the wings missing. We then see Madeleine telling Q and Bond about Spectre as we learn that James is the one that links all the names on the list (i’m guessing all the members of spectre). We then get to see and hear Christoph Waltz as Franz Oberhauser and saying that he was behind it all. I think that this might mean he was behind some of the events in some of the previous Daniel Craig films. The trailer then ends with a lot of action shots and a lot of the the car.

The trailer was great and really sold the film as more of a spy/detective film with a lot of action in, which is more than okay with me, but for some reason I wasn’t as blown away as I thought I would, maybe I just had too high expectations. Christoph Waltz is obiously going to kill it as a Bond Villian and Bautista looks like he is going to be bringing a lot of action to the film. I can not wait for this film still and I have no doubt that it is going to be amazing.

What did you think of the trailer? Did you feel like it was missing something like I did?

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