Youtube Movie/TV Channels to watch

This is just going to be a post about Youtube channels that I recommend to watch if you are as passionate about film and TV as I am. I spend a lot of time each day watching YouTube to keep up to date with news and I find it really interesting watching people talk about films and TV and getting their opinion on things that happen  and getting a better analysis of the show, film or trailer because sometimes I will miss the fun little Easter eggs that they notice.

Cinemasins – Cinemasins will go through movies and find everything wrong with them. They can be a little bit picky but I find it really interesting to watch them destroy films (Transformers Age of Extinction) or watch them try and pick apart a film that they love (Guardians of the Galaxy). The videos are normally between 10-20 minutes long depending on how much they find.

Clevver Movies – Clevver Movies is part of the Clevver network, that have other shows like Clevver music, Clevver TV, Clevver News. Clevver will break down trailers, in a simplistic and basic way for the viewers. They also get to sit down with casts and have a good time interviewing them. They talk about breaking news and rumours in the movie world. These videos are only a couple of minutes long.

Collider Videos – Collider videos talk about movie news daily and will review trailers and talk about all the rumours going on. A good daily show to listen to keep you up to date with everything going on. The channel also has Jedi Council (a weekly show dedicated to Star Wars and everything going on the Star Wars universe), Rewind (where they talk about old films that you may have missed or yet to hear about, as well as the classics) and Heroes (which talks about everything superhero related). The Collider Movie talk videos last 30 minutes. Jedi Council, Rewind and Heroes all last around about an hour.

Emergency Awesome – Charlie focuses more on TV. He has a very extensive knowledge of the comic and book universes which really help his channel and make it unique. He reviews The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, Arrow, Flash, Gotham, Agents of SHIELD, Star Wars Rebels and other shows which will be coming out soon. He usually talks about his top 5 moments in the episode and what he didn’t like as well as the easter eggs that he notices. He will then do a Q&A where he answers questions about the shows and anything you need explaining from the episode. He also reviews all the big films and news when that is released. I definitely recommend if you watch any of those shows.The videos are normally between 5-10 minutes.

How It Should Have Ended – HISHE will cartoonise plot holes in films and fix the film as to how they think the film should have ended or how problems could have been dealt with. Fun little channel. I particularly liked the video about the Avengers Age of Ultron trailer. The videos are 1-2 minutes long.

Jeremy Jahns – Jeremy is one of the biggest reviewers on Youtube and he deserves it. He will review new films when they come out and any trailers or any news. He normally focuses on films, but he does videos on Game of Thrones (when there is a big moment and at the end of the season) and a review of Arrow and Flash at the end of the season. He is quite funny and will speak honestly and brutally about what he watched. If you aren’t sure about a film, it is always good to hear someone elses opinion, so I highly recommend him. His videos are 3-5 minutes long.

JoBLo Movie Trailers – Exactly what it says on the tin. They are usually very quick to post trailers as soon as they come out and they even come out on their feed before the official feed. If you want to keep up to date with all the newest trailers definitely subscribe to them.

Mr Sunday Movies – Mr Sunday talks about “6 things you missed” in trailers and in films and easter eggs and he will have videos random facts to do with a specific film. He also hosts a podcast called The Weekly Planet, where he talks about all the news from that week and him and his fellow host will talk about a specific topic for the week or review a film. The 2 hosts work great together and they are very funny. If you want funny, movie talk then definetly subscribe to the youtube channel and to their podcast. The videos are normally 5-7 minutes long and the podcast is an hour long.

Popcorn Talk – This is one of my favourite Youtube channels. The channel features shows like Jedi Alliance (a discussion about all things Star Wars), Box Office Breakdown (analysis of the Box Office ticket sales for the weekend by looking at the top 5 highest grossing films of the weekend in America and they try and predict the top 5 for the next week), Marvel Movie News (the hosts talk about everything going on to do with Marvel whether its the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Fox, Sony or Netflix), DC Movie News (the hosts talk about everything going on in the DC comics movie universe as well as the DC TV shows), Anatomy of a Movie (an in depth analysis of a new released film), Profiles (Malone and Mantz talk about a specific person each week and take a look at their greatest films) and many more shows. These shows are really informative. They are all podcasts too but obviously you can’t see if they show pictures or a video. Perfect for anyone with a big passion for films. The shows are around an hour long, sometimes slightly longer.

Schmoesknow – Mark and Kristian review the latest movies and certain TV shows. They also do the SchmoesKnow movie show each week, which is a 2 hour long podcast where they talk about all the movie related news and TV news. They have special guests on sometimes. They have had Mark Hamill phone in, which was incredible to listen to. The podcast is alot of fun, usually analysis of the news of that week. They currently have a quiz going on between Youtube channels called the Ultimate Schmoedown where there are 16 teams, in a knockout tournament trying to prove they are the best at movie trivia, and it is a lot of fun. The Schmoes crew works closely with Popcorn so they are sometimes on their shows and the Schmoes crew will also feature and host some of the shows on the Popcorn Talk channel. These guys are great to the fans and have a lot of interaction with them. The reviews are around 5 minutes long and the podcast is 2 hours long.

Screen Junkies – Famous for their honest trailers, which pick apart films and parody trailers as to how the trailer should have been to reflect the film, very funny. The honest trailers are posted every Tuesday. Every Thursday, they will do something to do with the movie news of the week or something random. On Sundays, they do a show called Movie Fights. Movie Fights is that there will be one judge and 3 contestants who will fight it out to do with the questions set. A lot of fun and great to listen to. Movie Fights is also a podcast. The trailers are around 3-5 minutes. Movie Fights is between an hour to an hour and a half long. – Daily lists to do with random stuff. They will sometimes do stuff related to films coming out. They do Top 10 lists for anything and everything, not just movie and TV related. These are usually around 10 minutes long.

I recommend all these channels to subscribe to but I know they might not be for some people. They are great to hear in depth analysis of everything going on in the Movie and TV worlds. All podcasts are quite long and can take up a lot of time, but they are all worth it, even to have on in the background.

Are there any other channels you would recommend for me?

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