Fantastic Four (2015) Review

No, not Fantastic at all

Fantastic Four stars Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Michael B Jordan, Jamie Bell, Toby Kebbell, Reg E Cathey and Tim Blake Nelson.

This version of Fantastic Four is slightly different to the 2005 film. This version of the team’s origin sees Reed Richards (Miles Teller) working on teleportation from a young age. Then one day, at a science fair, Franklin Storm (Reg E Cathey) sees Reed’s work and tells him to come and join them on cracking inter-dimensional travel. Along with Franklin’s adopted daughter, Sue (Kate Mara), Franklin’s son, Johnny Storm (Michael B Jordan) and Victor Von Doom (Toby Kebbell). Working together the team crack inter-dimensional travel and want to test out for themselves. So Victor, Johnny, Reed and Reed’s friend Ben Grimm (Jamie Bell) become the first people to go to another dimension. But things go wrong and when they return, they have special abilities. The government takes them in and decides that the powers they were given could be for more people and used by the army. When the government send more people through they are greeted by Doom! Only 4 people with powers can stop him from destroying the world.

Well the credits were okay, I suppose. Honestly this film is not as bad as people make it out to be. Is it good? No. Is it worse that Spiderman 3? No. The first half of this movie is pretty solid origin story and it really had a lot of potential to go on to be a good film. But as soon as the team go onto the other planet, the movie falls apart. I found that Victor Von Doom’s reason for being evil was non existant. The CGI in places wasn’t that great. The performances of the cast, weren’t that great. Miles Teller does okay but that is because he is the lead. I thought Kate Mara was dull, but maybe that was just the character. Michael B Jordan is one of the best casting as the Human Torch and I was really let down. He wasn’t given enough to do I felt. Jamie Bell does not do much and felt like a lazy performance. Toby Kebbell just felt like he was playing a moody teenager. Reg E Carthy’s performance was really poor and could have been done a lot better. The main thing the film was missing was action! The fighting scene at the end lasts about 10 minutes and that is the only fighting scene in the film. Yes a superhero film with no action. They didn’t feel like Superheroes to be honest. I don’t know how I could best describe what genre this film is. It is just a mess. Also no Stan Lee and no mid or post credits scene!! It annoys me because I know there is a good film in there somewhere and you see flickers of it, but for whatever reason it falls apart. I honestly hope we see this Fantastic Four again, I am willing to give them another go because I think a good film could be made. I would like to see Marvel having an input on the film, instead of Fox. This doesn’t mean giving the rights to Marvel but letting them have a say on how the characters should be done and fixing the Fantastic Four. I don’t want to see the rights go back to Marvel because I don’t thing the MCU needs and it is busy enough already and with Inhumans, Guardians, Avengers and the Defenders, we will have enough team ups. Also, the way they come up with the name Fantastic Four, in the film is absolutely stupid and straight out of a spoof film.

Overall I give Fantastic Four a 4/10! It is a big shame! We probably won’t see the Xmen/Fantastic Four crossover now.

What did you think of Fantastic Four? Would you like to see the characters return?

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