Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse Review

Like The Walking Dead but with Scouts. Kind of.

Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse stars Tye Sheridan, Logan Miller, Joey Morgan, Sarah Dumont and David Koechner.

When Augie (Joey Morgan) is set to receive a special badge for his Scouting work, Ben (Tye Sheridan) and Carter (Logan Miller) want to leave the scouts because they are getting too old for it. Carter manages to get an invite to a party but its the same night as Augie’s camp out. Ben and Carter decide to go to the camping then leave and go to the party. However, when they go to head off to the party they realise that everyone has been turned into Zombies. Ben, Carter and with help from Denise (Sarah Dumont), a cocktail waitress, they must save Carter’s sister at the party then leave the town before the army bomb the town.

Funny, Zombie movies can either be a hit (Zombieland/Shaun of the Dead) or a big miss because they are trying to copy them. I was not completely sold on the film from the trailer, but I went into the film with high hopes. What followed was a film that featured some good, funny moments but largely, the jokes missed. There are a few moments that made me laugh but some of the jokes, nobody in screening laughed at. The writing wasn’t the best which really hindered the movie. The plot is also very basic which did the film no favours. It tries for cheap laughs and fails. It is another film that had a lot of potential to be really good and be known like Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead.

I know this film was a comedy but the zombies annoyed me at times. Maybe I am too used to watching The Walking Dead, but I found that the zombies were inconsistent in ability. One zombie could fire a guy, some could open doors. Yeah I know it isn’t a serious film but how could a Zombie open a door if they are lifeless. That is the best way to describe this film. Tried something new, could have worked, but didn’t.

Overall, I rate Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse 4/10! There are some good moments but not enough to receive a decent rating

What did you think of Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse? Have you had enough of Zombies?

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