Star Wars: The Last Jedi (No Spoilers) Review

It’s that time of the year once again, Star Wars is back! This is a review with no spoilers, if you want to know nothing then watch the film then come back and I will do a review with spoilers over the coming days.

Episode 8 of the Skywalker Saga, picks up where The Force Awakens left of with Rey asking Luke Skywalker for training to become a Jedi, Kylo Ren reporting to Supreme Leader Snoke to complete his training and the Resistance on the run from The First Order.

I enjoyed The Force Awakens more than most, having seen the film 9 times in the cinema now. I loved the new characters that were all introduced and left with lots of questions coming into The Last Jedi.

The characters are great once again. Luke Skywalker steals the film for me, Mark Hamill is one of the greatest people and extremely under rated. Luke, for me, is the best character and has the best story in this film. Rey continues to grow and I love the direction her character has gone with certain points that happen with the force, Daisy Ridley has improved drastically as an actress and really made this character her own.

Kylo Ren is an interesting character, his story goes in a really interesting way and different to how I had speculated it would go. We get to see a lot more Snoke than TFA but the focus is not on him, Kylo is the main antagonist of the story.

Finn and Rose have a unique story, but it is probably the weakest part of the film. They travel to a very clearly CGI planet and the entire scene just felt unnecessary, it just felt like something from a generic science fiction film and not Star Wars, would have felt more at home in Valerian.

Poe is given a big role in the resistance story and plays a big part, clearly setting his role up for the future of the franchise. His story is nicely tied in with Leia, who should be given a lot of credit as Carrie Fisher got some negative feedback after TFA but she definitely proved her ability really bringing back the Leia we love.

It is difficult to say much else without spoiling it as I think the best thing is to go into the film knowing as little as possible. Overall, I loved The Last Jedi, it certainly has problems and is not perfect, but it is my favourite film of the 3 since Disney bought Lucasfilm.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

What did you think of The Last Jedi?

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