
In 2018, I was approached to help get a new site and Network up and running. I decided to put that at the fore front so I lost focus on managing this site and didn’t see the point in the 2 sites competing. I was part of a group of 3 people and we’d take turns writing reviews, so I didn’t see the point on posting on there and on here at the same time. That site developed into being more podcast based from late 2018 through 2019, and was a lot of fun. I am very much still willing to be a part of that Network and hope it returns someday, maybe even sooner rather than later.

When I started this site it was a way of getting myself to talk about films, as I didn’t have a place to do so. Now over a year since I finished university (I got a 2:1 in Film and TV Production), I’m more determined and have been developing my skills, particularly in photoshop where I started to design Football shirts (@floodgatedesigns on Instagram if you’re interested) and with my experience from university, I believe my writing will be better than where I left of in 2018.

After a lockdown where I was deciding what the next step is, I have decided it is a perfect time to bring back Flooders Films. Reviews and posts might not be everyday due to my work schedule and seeing new films or topics that I’d like to talk about can be difficult. I also have some of the equipment I used from podcasting and that’s something I’m open to exploring in the future. That being said, if there is anyone that wants to join my site, writing reviews or any Film/TV related articles, feel free to contact me on social media @Floodgate28 or send an email to floodersfilms@gmail.com.

Thank you for your continued support.


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