Spider-Man: No Way Home Review (No Spoilers)

Rating: 4 out of 5.

It’s here! The most anticipated film of the year has finally arrived, after months of speculation before we even got a teaser. If you don’t want to know anything about the film, then you’ve got my score above, but don’t read anymore. However, I won’t be talking about anything that will spoil the movie and will be as vague as possible.

I’ve been a big fan of the Tom Holland Spider-Man films so far. Homecoming was a nice, simple Spider-Man but we got to see Peter Parker actually being a kid in high school, something got again when we left the character last just after Endgame, in Far from Home we got more of the same and started the steps towards this version of the character stepping out on his own without needing a mentor, but his secret was unveiled to the world by Mysterio at the end, ruining Peter Parker’s life.

No Way Home takes place immediately where we left off the character. As his life starts to be ruined by the ramifications of the video that Mysterio and his team edited, revealing Spider-Man’s identity to the world. Peter decides to get the help of Doctor Strange, to cast a spell to make everyone forget, but when Peter interferes the multiverse starts to open with several villains from other universes causing mayhem.

This entry has been going down extremely positively with fans, and might be the strongest Spider-Man film that Tom Holland has got to star in. The film certainly takes big swings, which audiences are going to eat up, and you will be rewarded for sticking with the character. You can see from his performance how much Holland loves the character and wants this to work, the same way Andrew Garfield felt for this much beloved character, when he appeared as his version of the character in The Amazing Spider-Man films.

We get a bit more of Zendaya who is good but I think still has more to offer if the character is given more to do than just being with Peter. The villains will be one of the biggest talking points. The poster heavily uses Alfred Molina’s return as Doc Ock, who doesn’t have loads to do in the film, and probably does struggle from being nearly 20 years older and being without the practical arms which looked incredible in Spider-Man 2. For me, him and Jamie Foxx were on a similar level, happy to return and having fun, but I’ve seen them both be better. Willem Dafoe on the other hand is the best actor in the film, again having a lot of fun, but his Green Goblin was iconic and it’s great to see him returning to this iconic role and doing as many stunts as they would allow him to do.

The plot makes sense, it’s pretty simple. It’s difficult to talk about without spoiling it, but there were certain points that I like and certain ones I didn’t or think could’ve been done better. To me the whole film felt like a one off comic, which isn’t a bad thing at all.

Overall, Spider-Man: No Way Home is a lot of fun and a perfect continuation of Spider-Man in this universe, dealing with the consequences of his own mistakes instead of someone else’s like the previous films. Some solid performances and a lot of fun, makes the film strong, but some moments let it down from being perfect for me.

As I look back on this trilogy as a set of films, I’m extremely glad we got a trilogy of Spider-Man as a child, learning, growing and making mistakes. I’m extremely excited for what the next trilogy for this version of the character holds, there are some big things definitely on the horizon.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

What did you think of Spider-Man: No Way Home?

I will probably try and rewatch the film before I do some spoiler talk, as well as what I think might be next for this version of the character. We also have The Matrix Resurrections out next week and The King’s Man very soon so be sure to follow on Instagram @Floodersfilms and like on Facebook to keep up to date with my latest reviews.

2 responses to “Spider-Man: No Way Home Review (No Spoilers)”

  1. […] If the writing wasn’t on the wall with Venom, then it certainly is now and seems to be that Sony really do need Marvel Studios to hold their hand when making films to have any big success like they did with Spider-Man: No Way Home. […]


  2. […] were high for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Marvel knocked it out the park with Spider-Man: No Way Home, and for me had success dabbling in the Multiverse on Disney+ in Loki and Wandavision. With my only […]


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