2022 Oscars: Biggest Winners and Losers

And just like that, this years biggest award show has come and gone for another year. Lets take a look at the biggest winners and losers, who came out on top and who got slapped across the face in front of the world.


CODA went into the ceremony as the favourite to walk away with the Best Picture nomination, and they did, also taking home the two other awards it had nominations in, including Best Adapted Screenplay for Sian Heder and Best Supporting Actor for Troy Kotsur, who gave my favourite speech of the night. A truly beautiful film, with so much heart that I’ve encouraged people to watch since its release, if you haven’t already then give it a watch now.


It was all going so well, it wasn’t a perfect Oscars but I felt like I was having fun for a change. Then Chris Rock to the stage, did a couple of jokes before making a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith’s Alopecia causing Will Smith to storm the stage, walk up to him and slap him across the face before returning to his seat and shouting at Rock and dropping the F bomb all on live TV in front of the entire world. I understand Smith’s anger, and everyone will be on his side (although he perhaps shouldn’t have dealt with it so publicly and with a slap). A poor joke that will cost Rock his place probably at ever returning to the awards again, at the very least to present. The whole thing made the last hour of the show feel very awkward and uncomfortable, especially when Will still had to claim his award.


Dune might not have won any of the ‘big’ awards but did walk away with more awards them any other film this year with 6 (Best Sound, Best Original Score, Best Film Editing, Best Cinematography, Best Production Design and Best Visual Effects). A win for cinema and watching films on the biggest screen possible.


Netflix continues to look for the elusive Best Picture win they’re so desperately after. They might have had one of the favourites but only went home with 1 award in the end but it was a good one. Jane Campion taking home her first directing Oscar, the third female to win Best Director. They would’ve definitely have been looking at taking home some of the others, particularly The Mitchell’s Vs the Machines in Best Animated Feature.


In their attempt to reach a bigger audience, The Academy had a couple of twitter awards voted for by the general public. The first being ‘Most Cheer Worthy moment’ this went to The Flash entering the Speed Force in Zach Snyder’s Justice League, ahead of Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: No Way Home, ahead of any moment in any film ever, certainly left my head scratching that one, there was no cheering any of the film when I watched it. Army of the Dead also was chosen as the ‘Fan Favourite award’. Should’ve expected nothing less from Snyder fans. Let’s not do this again.


Yes, Encanto won Best Animated film (or as I’m calling it, the one that’s stuck in your head the most award), but they missed out on Best Original Song, meaning Lin Manuel Miranda is still searching an Oscar to complete his EGOT. They also did a disappointing performance of We Don’t Talk About Bruno featuring the cast of Encanto for the first verse before Megan Thee Stallion did a weird rap verse about Hollywood, before Becky G and Luis Fonsi came onto the stage and sung about the Oscars to the tune.


To be back in a full theatre doing the Oscars the way they’re supposed to be, was like receiving a warm hug. Yes, the hosts didn’t do much and it was long but it felt like seeing an old friend. Chaos or no chaos that’s live TV and I had a lot of fun, celebrating the year’s best cinema with the world!


It still baffles me they decided to miss out some technical awards and the speeches the winners made from the live broadcast then edit them in like they were being done there and then. It felt clunky we all know what was happening, especially when they were apparently cut for time and yet this year was longer than normal, let’s just cut some of the musical performances we didn’t need and the Twitter awards and give the people who make the film the air time they deserve for their award.

There’s a few of the biggest winners and losers from the year, but the only thing people will remember will be Chris Rock vs Will Smith, I guess that gets people talking about it the way The Academy wanted people to.

Now to look forward to what the best of 2022 films have to offer, with some big film makers having films slated to be released this year, which will stand out and take it next year!

What did you think of this year’s Oscars?

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