Ahsoka Review (No Spoilers)

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

The Star Wars universe is currently in a really weird place, just consistently putting out shows for the hardcore audience who are invested in The Mandalorian side of the universe. When they first introduced Ahsoka in live action during season 2, it felt like only a matter of time before she would get her own series, as fans were already desperate to see what she was up to especially with the ending of Star Wars Rebels leaving Grand Admiral Thrawn and Ezra trapped on an unknown planet. The series Ahsoka picks up exactly with that plot point as Ahsoka looks to reteam up with Hera and Sabine to find a way to locate Ezra as there are also foes looking to bring about the return of Thrawn.

The season started really strongly with a fantastic first episode and a second episode that was still solid. It was the third and fourth where the show started to meander, and seemed to be taking it’s time getting to where we all knew it was going. The fifth episode saw a return to form with the strongest episode of the season, and one of the best pieces of Star Wars media since Disney’s takeover, before normalitity resumed of decent final three episodes.

I can’t fault anyone’s performance in the show, the standout by a long way was Ray Stephenson as Baylan Skoll, a former Jedi now an assassin for hire, working alongside his apprentice trying to prevent Ahsoka getting in the way of their plans to locate Thrawn. It just makes his passing earlier this year even sadder as we won’t get to see him return in a potential second season, or the film that will conclude this side of the universe.

Rosario Dawson does a fantastic job leading the show as the titular character, it’s been very obvious since she was cast in the role that she was so excited to be given the responsibility of bringing this beloved character into live action. I think this is honestly one of the best performances we’ve seen from her and in Star Wars for a long time.

Both Hera and Sabine, played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Natasha Liu Bordizzo respectively, felt jarring to start with and took a little while to settle in to their roles, but I think by the time it comes round to see them again in live action wherever that is next, I think it will work a lot better, and we all will have adjusted.

Where the show suffered more for me was some of the writing and the pacing that the show had. We knew where the show was going from the very beginning and it took 6 episodes to get there, there weren’t many twists and turns, but the few surprises that there were actually land pretty well and give the shows the highs that it has.

Big shout-outs to both Kevin Kiner who provides a fantastic score the series, having worked with Filoni on The Clone Wars and Rebels, and should be scoring everything Star Wars in my opinion, as well as, Eric Steelberg as cinematographer for the series for giving some beautiful shots.

Really interesting to see where the story goes next, the final episode ends in a surprising place for our characters. Early word is that a second season is being discussed, and I think it would be vital and something that the audience needs before the Heir to the Empire film is released, otherwise I feel like we will be missing out on a lot of story, unless it will be something covered in The Mandalorian Season 4 which also isn’t fully confirmed, apart from Jon Favreau saying several years ago he was writing it, and the conclusion of Season 3 felt like a bow to wrap the series up with.

Overall, Ahsoka was a really enjoyable series for the hardcore Star Wars who I don’t think can be left disappointed with this one, it isn’t perfect but delivers a lot of fantastic moments and really begins to thread the seeds of where we know this story is going. Fantastic performances by a fantastic cast who all deserve a chance a returning to play these characters, and will do, we just don’t know fully yet when that will be.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

What did you think of Ahsoka?

Woah, a rare review for these days, this one happened to line up nicely with a day off for myself. And you will also get a FFTH tomorrow as well so be sure to follow via the social media buttons below to make sure you don’t miss your weekly news update.

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